Host of mostly one of a kind photographs collected at estate sales, junk shops, and well pretty much anywhere!
It's a house out of a dream!

Unknown Carpenter Gothic home
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
Portland Sanitarium - Portland Oregon
Wonderful 40's view of the 1922 Portland Sanitarium. The building survives today at SE 60th and Yamhill though there are numerous modern additions (1949 and 1965) on various sides. All in a wonderful buff color brick.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Spectacular Victorian with 2 story turret!
This photo is among my favorite type of finds. It's a cabinet photo of just the house. Recently built and someone is very proud of it. It's in the Northwest for sure. Possibly Portland. Love the staggered picket fence. The house itself is quite simple but has a fairly elaborate roof and bracket work
Monday, November 5, 2012
Clark St Bridge Looking North - Chicago
Awesome old 1871 image of the Clark Street Bridge in Chicago. This was scanned from a Lovejoy & Foster stereoview I found at a local estate sale.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Our Lady of Good Council Catholic Church Moorland Iowa
Wonderful early view of Our Lady of Good Council Catholic Church in Moorland Iowa. This image shows it prior to an addition on the front of the building. It also shows the parsonage.
Group photo in front of the High School - Galena Illinios
My best guess is this is the old high school perhaps before an expansion. Same architecture but smaller than what's there today. Unknown date.
A. C. Platt photo of College Square (Oberlin College)
Wonderful small and old image of College Square at Oberlin College. Taken in the 1870's or 1880's. The chapel is at left. Not sure what the building on the right is.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Beautiful basalt stone porch. Possible Old Portland OR home
I purchased that real photo post card recently and it just has a real Portland feel. All that's written on the back is: "This is a picture of out house. Melvin is Standing on the porch". No address no family name. You can however see that the address was 121. IF this is Portland (and I do mean IF) it's clearly taken before 1931 when the city was renumbered. I was able to determine with about an hours worth of eye strain that there were 43 addresses in Portland before 1931 that were "121". I individually googled and then if necessary'd the addresses to see what I could find. Of the 43 I found no certain matches. The house is VERY VERY similar the the home that currently houses Rimsky-Korsakoffee House but there were some slight period details that rule it out (probably). 2 of the potential addresses also match the 2 block swath that is now the Belmont Townhomes. There is a spattering of some other addresses that are either eaten up by freeway projects including 2 near the I-405 on ramp from I-5 as well as some parking lots and modern commercial spaces. A total of 14 possible locations using the pre-1931 "121" address. Or again, it's not even Portland. Either way it's a pretty cool home!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Friday Harbor, Washington
Wonderful view of Friday Harbor. This is from a real photo post card mailed from Friday Harbor in September of 1938
Business Section of Portland Oregon
Wonderful tinted post titled: "Overlooking Business Section of Portland, Oregon". Lots of great details including some painted signs. Note the L. Mayer & Co Grocers, Honeyman, DeHart & Co Hardware, Iron Steel, Stoves and Tinware signs. I'm still not 100% sure what street this is looking onto. I vaguely recognize some buildings but can't make a certain guess.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
J. H. Bratt image of Astoria Oregon
Wonderful early view of Astoria, Oregon by James Henry Bratt. He photographed Astoria from 1893 to 1895.
Early view of buildings on Third & Alder - Portland OR
Great image of SW Third in Portland. The wonderful Second Empire designed Masonic Hall (1871-1928) is the most striking. See also the intact Dekum Building and Postal Building as well as the long lost chamber of Commerce Building. Oh and there's a HOUSE in there too!
1705 SE Salmon - Portland Oregon
Wonderful early view of 1705 SE Salmon. Still there and pretty much unchanged! Wonderful Buckman Neighborhood street for viewing all kinds of historic homes!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
"Modern Bungalow" on the Road of a Thousand Wonders
I'm not entirely sure this is even Portland as I have some similar postcards that say Portland but are actually homes in California. Also not too sure what this "Road of a Thousand Wonders" is. Sove the river rock foundation and the very simple stone wall!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Original E. M. Waite Menorial Fountain Salem Oregon
Early 20's image of the original E. M. Waite Memorial Fountain in Salem Oregon. It was replaced in the 1960's after it was damaged in the Columbus Day Storm.
Ladd School - Portland Oregon
Long gone downtown school. Once located on the Park Blocks. Architecture and snow..... An awesome combination!
Christian Brothers Business College - Portland, OR
I'm not sure what year it was built or when it was lost but this wonderful building once stood at the corner of NE Grand and NE Clackamas. Today it is the parking lot for my dentist.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Unindentified and
Ideas on the first one. The second home was identified by Peter Bellant on Dead Memories Portland as the Elmer E. Lytle home. He was President of Pacific Railway & Navigation Company, Columbia Southern Railway and namesake of Lake Lytle in Tillamook County. It was located at NW 24th and Johnson (historical address 175 24th Street North).
Monday, September 10, 2012
Great panorama of Tacoma, Washington
View taken from a building roughly at Market Street and St Helens Avenue in Tacoma facing Mt Rainier. The cool turret building at right is the Music Box Theater and the 1911 Puget Sound National Bank is the tallest building in the image.
US Coast Guard Lifesaving Station Barview, Oregon
Small snapshot of the US Coast Guard Lifesaving Station built in 1908 in Barview, Oregon (near Garibaldi). It still survives though not all that well.
Monday, August 13, 2012
The Madrona Inn on Orcas Island
The Madrona Inn on Orcas Island. The sign on the building simply says MADRONA INN but with a little on-line research it appears to be the central lodge at a place that had 24 cabins. The back of the postcard reads: "July `7th Dear Ellen, Arrived here 2:00 yesterday. We're tired as boar was alone. Had chicken dinner & everything & have swell cottage "Gray Gables" 3 rooms & 3 beds so ma & I sleep alone. Slept pretty well and had a fine breakfast, will hike some now & have lunch. It is ideal here & we all feel lazy. Love you all. Olive". It was sent to Mrs. James Van Allen at 6556 20th Ave NW Seattle WA. I can't make out the year.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
So long 4332 NE Couch St
Sunday, August 5, 2012
View from Kings Hill to the East toward Mt Hood ca. 1900
Wonderful image taken from the Kings Hill Neighborhood in Portland Oregon sometime around 1900. In the foreground the spectacular 1887 C. M. Forbes home at left and St. Helens Hall at right. In the distance you can see the Portland High School, Chamber of Commerce, and the original Oregonian building tower. Not many survivors but there are a few.
Sciotoville Ohio (Portsmouth) flood
Wonderful image of what is probably the 1913 flood of the Ohio River but it could also be the 1937 flood.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Herman Brookman designed residence in Portland OR
3820 SE Glenwood St is a small architectural masterpiece by Herman Brookman, one of Portland's most famous architects. Among his credits are the Commodore Hotel, M. Lloyd Frank Estate (now Lewis & Clark College), the Harry A Green house also know as the Bitar Mansion, and Temple Beth Israel.
This home was built between 1928 and 1932. I was given the opportunity to tour this house by the listing agent and as usual I brought my camera. The new owners are interested in restoring the home to it's original glory. Enjoy!
This home was built between 1928 and 1932. I was given the opportunity to tour this house by the listing agent and as usual I brought my camera. The new owners are interested in restoring the home to it's original glory. Enjoy!
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