Host of mostly one of a kind photographs collected at estate sales, junk shops, and well pretty much anywhere!
It's a house out of a dream!

Unknown Carpenter Gothic home
Friday, June 24, 2011
SW 11th & Clay St Portland OR
Though 2 of these houses are gone, 3 of these structures remain today. Both apartment buildings (1908 and 1911) as well as the largest house at right (1906). The 2 houses in the middle are lost. Today replaced by a HUGE apartment building built in 1980.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Hawthorne Park Portland OR.
Special thanks to Don Nelson for helping me solve the mystery of Hawthorne Park. It WAS a park on the grounds of Dr. Hawthorne's former asylum. Roughly the space from SE 9th -12th and Hawthorne to Salmon so part of the Buckman Neighborhood.The Dr. Hawthorne House still stands today and is an amazing intact Victorian home (on SE 12th just South of Belmont).
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Boulders in front of the Portland CIty Hall
I'm not sure what these large boulders were going to be used for. Perhaps construction or the park near by? The top of the 1909 Multnomah County Courthouse is in the background.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Story about the construction of the Original 1887 Morrison Street Bridge
Chapter from "The Building of the Oregon Country" Very interesting look into the politics of Portland and East Portland. Each page is a scan so you have to click on them to read them.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
"Wildwave" beach house
Wonderful Oregon or Washington coast home. Roofing for siding but somehow it really works on a beach cabin.
Spectacular fenestration
Those windows are to die for! Unknown location. Purchased in Portland, OR but this does not have a very "Portland" feel.
Wonderful porch and roof detail!
Sadly I do not know where this house was/is. Seems to be propped up rather high so maybe in the South or a flood plain somewhere. Who can resist a porch swing!?
RPPC of a burning house 1910 Melrose Minnesota
So here's the message on the back: "Hello Bessie, How are you? I am fine and dang. What kind of a time did you have on the 4th? I was working. Say Anna hello for me will you. As ever your friend Oscar". No mention of the BURNING HOUSE!!!! WTF people! The card was mailed from Melrose Minnesota.
1206 & 1208 SE Ankeny St
Sometimes I think maybe I've seen every old house in Portland. I found this old photo at a sale today and thought to myself it looked familiar. Well it was. This wonderful turn of the century structure (now a duplex) is still alive and well on SE 12th and Ankeny. Very visible from Sandy Blvd. Almost completely intact. Really just needs some roof ornamentation.
ADDITION DECEMBER 29th: Demolished in December 2015 by a greedy Beaverton developer with a super fake LLC registered in July 2015. Thanks a lot A12 Land Partners, LLC a.k.a. Michael Goeckner. What a waste!!!! Can't wait to see the POS you build in it's place.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
SW 3rd Ave and SW Lincoln Street ca 1949
I'm not exactly how one would characterize this as a "remodel" but apparently that 1904 four-plex is in there somewhere. I hate to see old structures destroyed but I have to admit this late 40's building is pretty cool. Sadly it too along with the neighboring Victorian was razed some years after this publication. Today SW 3rd doesn't even run all the way to Lincoln and that neighborhood is mostly ugly office park buildings and parking lots.
Friday, June 17, 2011
"Fernhaven Court" - Laurelhurst's bungalow fairyland
I drive by this block almost every day given how close I live to it and I always wondered how it was possible that every house seemed rather over the top bungalow. As if someone googled "kick-ass bungalow" and chose those houses to place there. Well I was kind of right - just about a century before google. The block bordered by SE Ash, SE 41st, E Burnside, and SE 42nd was planned that way. The developers of Laurelhurst gave away plans of well known California bungalow's for free to builders willing to build them in that location. Mystery solved. All of the homes remain although one of the most spectacular (the Charles Gramm house) is in need of some help. Don't miss the W. C. Garbe house with it's smiley face chimney. It's right on Burnside. Can't miss it!!!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Chimney repair / construction or a boxing match?
Funny odd and tiny image. I'm not really sure what in the world is going on here. Are they building a chimney or fighting? Early contact sheet cut out photo.
1117 SE 30th Ave Portland OR 1952
1952 early color photo of 1117 SE 30th Ave (1891). Still looks similar today. A porch has been added to the front but I'm guessing that there was one originally. The house as it is photographed here looks a bit funny.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Victorian remodel in 1952 of 1130 SE 30th Ave Portland, OR
The photos do all of the talking. Turret and wrap around porch removed in this early 50's remodel. Today the house remains almost exactly as it does in this last color photo dated OCT 1952. The missing turret explains the unusual 2nd floor windows. Original 1904 chimney and outline of the 3rd floor retained. Note the unusual double column capital in photo 1. Very sad loss but it was the times.....
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