Host of mostly one of a kind photographs collected at estate sales, junk shops, and well pretty much anywhere!
It's a house out of a dream!

Unknown Carpenter Gothic home
Monday, March 21, 2011
The Famous Old Crystal Bar in Reno Nevada.
I'm not sure exactly what the Crystal Bar is and why someone would want to create a tourist attraction about it but I loved the street scene none the less.
Unusual 1960's church or other commercial building
Quite the roof! I'd hate to pay for repairs on that one! Appears to have been taken right around the end of construction. Unknown location.
Old photo of Acme Cigar and Ice Cream Shop
This little shop appears to be a small storefront within perhaps an apartment building? I love the operable window that looks like you can sell product out of it. Unknown location
Friday, March 11, 2011
Hard working hotel staff member
This has GOT to be a rough existence. Looks like he sleeps and works here! Love the old cord fixture that the lamp (with old style attachment plug) is then attached to. Lots of extra cord!
Cast concrete columns on a great Portland OR craftsman home
Well I believe it's Portland anyway! There is an entire street just south of Alberta that has houses with these columns (17th, 18th, etc). I'm pretty sure I've seen this house somewhere. I'm still on the hunt!
Wonderful shingled second story home - probably Portland OR
I was told this was Portland, OR. Anyone know where this house is/was? I love how it looks like the buildings are progressing. a decade or 2 older Victorian structures to the left and blank grassy space to the right.
1509 S. 5th St Tacoma Washington
This home does not appear to still be around though the neighborhood where it was is full of like homes. Maybe the address changed and it still survives somewhere.....
1948 Portland flood
Wonderful view of the 1948 flood. Great reflective water. Really captured in black and white photography!
C. W. Evans BATHS Victorian storefront
Very early and complete view of a Victorian storefront. Wonderful gas light fixtures. My favorite feature are the doors that completely pull back to open the store up. Seems almost modern in design. Colored marginal Eastlake windows and even a salted peanut vending machine!
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